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    STUDIA THEOLOGIA ORTHODOXA - Issue no. 1-2 / 2001  

  Abstract:  Romanian Church under the Communist Dictatorship. Through the instauration on the 6th of March 1945 of the so-called "democratic government" in Romania, in our country took place the inauguration of the communist-atheist regime. As in the Soviet Russia, later called the USSR, the communist fought mightily against the Christian Church in Romania, regardless the confession considered as a hostile institution to the atheist ideology. In this situation the Romanian Orthodox Church, the majority church in our country had two alternatives: a) to fight openly against the communist regime or b) to adopt a moderate attitude of closeness and of "cohabitation" with the same regime. The first alternative could not be chosen because of the unequal report of forces or of the attack and defence means of the two institutions: the State and the Church. Especially that after 1917 the martyrdom of the Russian Orthodox Church, with thousands of victims among the clergy and the Christians was a conclusive example of us. At the same time, we had the example of Albania, where the communist regime had put to silence any Christian or non-Christian church or cult. On the other hand the Greek-Catholic Church from Romania was abolished, and it could be save neither by the catholic authority, nor by the occidental states. In this situation, we were forced to choose the second alternative in order to keep our ancient faith within the Romanian nation under the communist oppression. Even though the second alternative was chosen, the Rumanian Orthodox Church suffered a lot because of the communist regime in our country: after the 30th of December of 1947 (when the King Mihai I of Romania was chased from the country), the security took hard arrangements against our church: they abolished some of the Orthodox Dioceses, the confessional schools, Some Theological Seminaries, Academies and Faculties of Theology, Theological Institution of university level (all of them being Orthodox), the religion was excluded from the state schools: some hierarchs were removed from the Diocesan Thrones because they were not accepted by the communist regime, others were arrested, humiliated, derided, killed, as some Greek—catholic hierarchs: thousands of orthodox priests and monks, catholic and protestant ministers suffered in fail or even died in the communist jails; many Orthodox churches were destroyed, the majority in Bucharest, under the "Ceausescu’s regime". The Christian Churches in Romania became real martyrs. Above these existed certain periods of time when the men of our church through the contacts that they had with certain people from the communist state leadership (with human feelings and faith in God) managed to obtain certain facilities for the Romanian Orthodox Church, which cannot he forgotten: the minimum payment of salaries for the clergy, approvals for buildings. reconstructions or paintings of cult dwellings, buildings of rank residences or patriarchal houses, the representation of our church in different ecumenical international organizational structure: The Ecumenical Council of the Churches, the Conference of the European Churches, the Christian Conference for Peace in the inter-orthodox relationships in the Theological Dialogues with the other Christian Churches in conferences given hr professors of Theology in different parts of the world, scholarships for the students and candidates for the doctor’s degree abroad; the printing of the Holy Writings in several editions, the printing of the Works of the Holy Fathers, prayer and mass books, schools manuals for the theological education, church periodicals, outstanding writines for the Romanian and universal spirituality. Above these, behind the acts of benevolence showed to our church there were indescribable sacrifices of the clergy and of the Romanian Orthodox Christians: we can say that the communist-atheist regime stopped the process of natural development of the Christian spirituality in Romania between 1945-1989.  
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